• WGGC organizes international symposia as well as regional workshops and conferences. In recent years, the international symposia take place at three-year intervals. Previous international symposia on generalized convexity were held in Vancouver/Canada (NATO – ASI) in 1980, Canton/U.S.A. in 1986, Pisa/Italy in 1988, Pécs/Hungary in 1992, Marseille/France in 1996, Samos/Greece in 1999, Hanoi/Vietnam in 2002, Varese/Italy in 2005, Kaohsiung/Taiwan in 2008, Cluj/Romania in 2011, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil in 2014, and Hajdúszoboszló/Hungary in 2017.
  • Announcements and reports of the triennal international symposia have regularly appeared in Optima, the newsletter of the Mathematical Programming Society.
  • The proceedings of the international symposia were published by Academic Press (1981), Analytic Publishing (1989), Springer Verlag (1990, 1994, 2001, 2005), Kluwer Academic Publishers (1998) and in special issues of ISI journals: Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (2009) and Journal of Global Optimization (2013, 2016). In addition, proceedings of some of the regional workshops are available. See the Proceedings Area.
  • WGGC holds clusters of invited sessions at the international symposia on mathematical programming (Ann Arbor 1994, Lausanne 1997, Atlanta 2000, Copenhagen 2003, Rio de Janeiro 2006). In addition, it is regularly represented through sessions and clusters of sessions at other major international conferences (see the Conferences Area).
  • The international symposia in Samos/Greece (1999) and Kaohsiung/Taiwan (2008) were each preceded by a summer school, aiming to introduce young researchers and graduate students to the field.
  • Apart from books on special topics, a monograph on generalized convexity was published by Plenum Publishing Corporation in 1988, authored by Avriel, Diewert, Schaible and Zang. The Handbook of Generalized Convexity and Generalized Monotonicity was also published by Springer in 2005, authored by Hadjisavvas, Komlósi and Schaible. See the GCM books Area for a more comprehensive list of books.