The 10th International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Monotonicity was held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) from 22 to 27 of August, 2011. About 80 participants from 22 different countries attended the conference and over seventy lectures were given.
Cluj-Napoca is the largest city in Transylvania and one of the biggest and most important ones in Romania. A special plenary session was dedicated to Professor Siegfried Schaible, for his longtime service to the GC group.
The conference website is available at http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/gcm10/
Details on the conference proceedings are available at this link.
Plenary Speakers
- Y. Nesterov (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)
- J.V. Outrata (Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic)
- S.M. Robinson (University of Wisconsin- Madison, USA)
- C. Zalinescu (University Al. I. Cuza, Iasi, Romania)
Available Documents

- N. Popovici (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca), Chair
- W.W. Breckner (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)
- A. Grad (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)
- G. Kassay (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)
- D.T. Luc (University of Avignon), Chair of WGGC
- A. Petrusel (Babes-Bolyai University,Cluj-Napoca)
- C. Pintea (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)
- H.F. Pop (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)
- D.T. Luc (University of Avignon, France), Chair
- D. Aussel (University of Perpignan, France)
- R. Cambini (University of Pisa, Italy)
- F. Flores-Bazan (University of Concepcion, Chile)
- N. Hadjisavvas (University of the Aegean, Syros, Greece)
- B. Mordukhovich (Wayne State University, Detroit, U.S.A.)
- N. Popovici (Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj)
- S. Schaible (Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, Taiwan)
- Mohammad Hossein ALIZADEH (Greece)
- Elisabetta ALLEVI (Italy)
- Didier AUSSEL (France)
- Alina-Ramona BAIAS (Romania)
- Mircea BALAJ (Romania)
- Mihaela BERCHESAN (Romania)
- Mihály BESSENYEI (Hungary)
- Henri BONNEL (France)
- Radu Ioan BOŢ (Germany)
- Wolfgang Werner BRECKNER (Romania)
- Pál BURAI (Hungary)
- Boglárka BURJÁN-MOSONI (Romania)
- Riccardo CAMBINI (Italy)
- Adela CAPĂTĂ (Romania)
- Ouayl CHADLI (Morocco) – pending
- Liana CIOBAN (Romania)
- Ştefan COBZAŞ (Romania)
- João Paulo COSTA (Portugal)
- Gabriela CRISTESCU (Romania)
- Ernö Robert CSETNEK (Germany)
- Anulekha DHARA (France)
- Fabián FLORES-BAZÁN (Chile)
- Attila GILÁNYI (Hungary)
- Ivan GINCHEV (Italy)
- Adriana GNUDI (Italy)
- Vasyl GORBACHUK (Ukraine)
- Daniel GOURION (France)
- Anca GRAD (Romania)
- Sorin-Mihai GRAD (Germany)
- Shiv Kumar GUPTA (India) – pending
- Nicolas HADJISAVVAS (Greece)
- Attila HÁZY (Hungary)
- André HEINRICH (Germany)
- Shun-Chin HO (Taiwan)
- Alfredo Noel IUSEM (Brazil)
- Vsevolod IVANOV (Bulgaria)
- Gábor KASSAY (Romania)
- József KOLUMBÁN (Romania)
- Sándor KOMLÓSI (Hungary)
- Poom KUMAM (Thailand)
- Hang-Chin LAI (Taiwan)
- Szilárd LÁSZLÓ (Romania)
- Lai-Jiu LIN (Taiwan)
- Dinh The LUC (France)
- Traian Ionuţ LUCA (Romania)
- Judit MAKÓ (Hungary)
- Daniela MARIAN (Romania)
- Dan-Ştefan MARINESCU (Romania)
- Laura MARTEIN (Italy)
- Flavia Corina MITROI (Romania)
- Delia Maria NECHITA (Romania)
- Yurii NESTEROV (Belgium)
- Constantin NICULESCU (Romania)
- Kazimierz NIKODEM (Poland)
- Jiří OUTRATA (Czech Republic)
- Zsolt PÁLES (Hungary)
- Monica PATRICHE (Romania)
- Adrian PETRUŞEL (Romania)
- Cornel PINTEA (Romania)
- Emilia Loredana POP (Romania)
- Horia F. POP (Romania)
- Nicolae POPOVICI (Romania)
- Gabriel-Teodor PRIPOAE (Romania)
- Stephen M. ROBINSON (U.S.A.)
- Ionel ROVENŢA (Romania)
- Alin Marian RUSU (Romania)
- Shoham SABACH (Israel)
- Siwaporn SAEWAN (Thailand)
- Siegfried SCHAIBLE (Taiwan)
- Ruey-Lin SHEU (Taiwan)
- Andreea Mădălina STANCU (Romania)
- Ioan M. STANCU-MINASIAN (Romania)
- Jacek TABOR (Poland)
- Jozef TABOR (Poland)
- Oana Ruxandra TUNS (BODE) (Romania)
- Pierre VON MOUCHE (The Netherlands)
- Gert WANKA (Germany)
- Szymon WASOWICZ (Poland)
- Constantin ZĂLINESCU (Romania)
The GCM10 ended on Saturday, 27 August 2011. Its success is mainly due to the excellent work of the local organizers with Nicolae Popovici as Chair from the Babes-Bolyai University. We express our sincere thanks to all of them. During this meeting the Scientific Committee has made a number of decisions on the organization of our group. Here are the most important ones:
- Some changes in the bylaws of the group have been approved: (a) The slate of candidates from which the members of the group choose the new Scientific Committee, contains now 8-12 names (instead of 8-10 before). Also, the Scientific Committee may nominate a member of the group as honorary chair, for exceptional services to WGGC.
- In application of the new bylaws, Prof. Siegfried Schaible has been nominated as Honorary Chair of WGGC.
- Prof. Boris Mordukhovich has been elected Chair of WGGC for the 2012-2015 term. He will start office the 1st of July 2012, succeeding to the current Chair.
- The slate of 11 candidates will be sent to you in due time to elect 6 members of the next Scientific Committee.
- Potential organizers of GCM11 are requested to send their proposal to Prof. D.T. Luc, Chair of WGGC, before the end of October 2011. One proposal from Prof. Zolt Pales (Debrecen University, Hungary) was already made during the General Assembly at GCM10.
- Proceedings of GCM10 will appear in a special volume of JOGO with Boris Mordukhovich, Nicolae Popovici and Ruey-Lin Sheu as guest editors. Details on the submission will appear on the Symposium’s web site, http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/gcm10/ .
- A newsletter will be sent to all members three times a year. Didier Aussel is responsible for the first issues starting from January 2012. Information on conferences, positions, fellowships in our areas and on our members can be submitted via the WGGC Website, by completing a form (to be constructed soon).