A Summer School preceded the GCM9 Symposium in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The Summer School aimed to introduce students and researchers to generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity, and included also some of the recent developments in the field.
Director of the Summer School: D.T. Luc
Program of the School
- Presentation of the Faculty members (D.T. Luc). Powerpoint presentation
- An overview of generalized convexity (D.T. Luc). Course notes
- Minimax programming, part I (H.C. Lai). Course notes
- Fixed points and minimax (M. Lassonde). Course notes
- Fractional programming: a survey (R.L. Sheu). Course notes
- Approximate convexity and submonotonicity (M. Lassonde). Course notes
- Overview of generalized convexity and vector optimization (F. Flores-Bazan). Course notes
- Variational inequalities (D. Aussel). Course notes
- Generalized convexity in nonlinear elasticity (J. Gwinner). Course notes *
- Quasi-convex vector optimization (F. Flores-Bazan)
- Fractional programming: recent developments and applications (R.L. Sheu)
- Geodesic convexity and optimization – dedicated to T. Rapcsak (Z. Pales). Course notes
- Abstract convex analysis (J.E. Martinez Legaz). Course notes
- Nonsmooth quasi-convex analysis (D. Aussel). Course notes
- Minimax programming, part II (H.C. Lai). Course notes
- Hemi-variational inequalities & unilateral contact (J. Gwinner). Course notes
- Nash equilibrium and variational inequalities (D. Aussel and M. Lassonde). Course notes
- Generalized convexity in economics (J.E. Martinez Legaz). Course notes
- Approximate convex functions (Z. Pales). Course notes
* See also the paper by K. Dvorsky and J. Gwinner “Generalized convexity in nonlinear elasticity with applications to unilateral contact”, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 13 No.2B, pp. 687-712, 2009, freely downloadable at this page.